I often respond to questions from readers on the law school admissions process. Here is a question I recently responded to:
Q: What are some effective ways to prepare for law school before 1L year?
A: As a Harvard Law School graduate myself, I would say that law school prep courses aren’t very useful for preparing for 1L life. However, I think I would have found it helpful to read some hornbook treatises on the basic 1L classes: Contracts, Civ Pro, Criminal Law, Torts, and Property. I wouldn’t read them and try to memorize them in super detail, though — just read and skim to understand the basic framework for that body of law. Your law school will teach you the details, but sometimes just having a basic understanding of the framework beforehand really helps.
Be sure to check out our law school admissions guide “How to get into Harvard Law School (whether you have the highest scores or not)” for in-depth tips and strategies on admission to elite law schools!